It's A Money Play

By Theo Williams

    Everyone wants to be recognized for their accomplishments in their chosen line of work. I myself have watched the Grammy's since my youth. At that time i would often wonder about the process and why some of my favorite artists were not recognized in certain categories. As i began my journey into the world of music I learned that having connections was as big a part of the music industry as the industry itself. In my eye's the Grammy's are a friend of a friend award. The random musician, producer,engineer, can become a voting member if they meet certain criteria. 

    So take this for example say Kanye West produces hits for several notable artists with out question when voting time comes he will of course nominate his friends the people whose albums he worked on. What this does is make this award an exclusive club one in which its hard for others to break into.
The Grammy award winning status gets shared by all parties involved and adds to their resumes'. Meanwhile the artist who also had a mega hit but is fresh on the scene will not be able to garner a blip on the radar becomes he has no connections.

   Artists i say this "make connections" build a network outside of your own. Make sure your internal organization is on the same page and truly has a working understanding of the MUSIC INDUSTRY. To learn more about the Grammys visit

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